COMUNITY 🎺 Community English Meaning Cambridge Dictionary


COMUNITY   COMUNITY comunity learn the meaning of community in english with different contexts and usage find out how to use community in sentences phrases and specialized fields such as biology internet and business

COMUNITY if a number of people consider themselves one group based on location work religion nationality or even activity they can be called a community if you like to play online games you are active in the gamer community comunity a community is a group of people who socialize in a location this concept is often expanded to describe informal social groups that enjoy a shared sense of belonging and comradely independently of location comunity

COMUNITY explore install and use thousands of templates plugins and widgets published to the figma community by designers and developers comunity tekno google bayar ganti rugi satu pengguna kebagian rp 77 juta google bayar ganti rugi satu pengguna kebagian rp 77 juta comunity

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