KONOHA KONOHA konoha naruto is a popular manga and anime franchise by masashi kishimoto following the adventures of naruto uzumaki a young ninja who wants to become the leader of his village konoha the series spans two parts with naruto facing various enemies and challenges including the powerful fox demon sealed in him and the akatsuki organization
KONOHA the land of fire 火の国 hi no kuni is one of the largest and most powerful countries seen and is the home of the main characters of the series its government leader is the fire daimyō the land of fire was the first country to adopt a ninja village konohagakure a custom other countries would soon adopt konoha the hokage s hat the hokage 火影 literally meaning fire shadow is the kage of konohagakure a title bestowed on the village s leader the hokage is generally regarded as the strongest shinobi in the village there have been seven hokage in the village s history konoha
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