PRAGMA 🪷 Pragma Basics Gnu C Language Manual

Merek : PRAGMA

PRAGMA   PRAGMA pragma c defines two syntactical forms for pragmas the line form and the token form you can write any pragma in either form with the same meaning the line form is a line in the source code like this pragma line the line pragma has no effect on the parsing of the lines around it

PRAGMA learn how to use pragma to access compiler-specific preprocessor extensions such as pragma once and pragma warning see examples of pragma for different compilers and purposes pragma what is the pragma resource pragma directive in c pragma resource emits a comment record that instructs the linker to mark the file as a form unit this pragma causes the file to be marked as a form unit and requires matching dfm and header files all such files are managed by the ide pragma

PRAGMA this is a preprocessor directive that can be used to turn on or off certain features it is of two types pragma startup pragma exit and pragma warn pragma startup allows us to specify functions called upon program startup pragma exit allows us to specify functions called upon program exit pragma gemarqq kali ini hadir sebagai salah satu situs judi dominoqq online dan agen bandarq yang paling menarik dan pasti seru untuk di mainkan serta pragma

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